KBB-Forum 2019 , Cilt 18, Sayı 4


Ömer HIZLI 1, MD; Mesut ÖZTÜRK 2, MD; Tümay BEKCİ 3, MD; Güven YILDIRIM 4, MD;
1Giresun University, Prof Dr. A. Ilhan Ozdemir Education and Research Hospital, Department of ENT, Giresun, Turkey
2Ondokuz Mayis University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Samsun, Turkey
3Giresun University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Giresun, Turkey
4 Giresun University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of ENT, Giresun, Turkey
Purpose: The aim of this retrospective- archival temporal bone computerized tomography study was to investigate the effects of Körner's septum on sinus tympani development.

Methods: We included 68 temporal bones with Körner's septum from 38 patients and 72 temporal bones without Körner's septum from 38 other patients. Using OsiriX software for MacOS (version 3.8.1, Pixmeo), we measured the volumes from three- dimensional sinus tympani models and compared the sinus tympani volumes between the temporal bones with and without Körner's septum.

Results: Among 427 patients totally reviewed, 38 (8.9 %) had Körner's septum. The median sinus tympani volume was 8.3 (1.7- 20.3) mm3 in temporal bones with Körner's septum and 14.2 (2.1- 53.2) mm3 in temporal bones without. The sinus tympani volume was significantly lower in temporal bones with Körner's septum compared to those without (p<0.001). We found that Körner's septum had negative effects on sinus tympani development since was associated with smaller sinus tympani.

Conclusion: Patients with Körner's septum had a lower sinus tympani volume associated with the decreased risk of residual cholesteatoma. Beside the removal of primary disease, effective drilling of Körner's septum during cholesteatoma surgery would be sufficient to provide the pneumatization of mastoid antrum and middle ear, resulting in decreased risk of residual disease. Keywords : Sinus tympani, Körner's septum, petrosquamous, cholesteatoma, 3D remodeling